Widgets family

This is a demo for Shopadvizor widgets. It includes examples of all available widgets and their customization possibilities

Stars and Ratings widget CARREFOUR

This widget shows the following info about a product:
  • Average rating of the Shopadvizor user ratings with a decimal out of 5.
  • Average rating of the ratings in the form of stars out of 5.
  • Total number of evaluations.

Stars and Ratings widget Deafult

This widget shows the following info about a product:
  • Average rating of the Shopadvizor user ratings with a decimal out of 5.
  • Average rating of the ratings in the form of stars out of 5.
  • Total number of evaluations.

Stars and Ratings widget

This widget shows the following info about a product:
  • Average rating of the Shopadvizor user ratings with a decimal out of 5.
  • Average rating of the ratings in the form of stars out of 5.
  • Total number of evaluations.

Customization Examples

Here you can see examples of customized widgets

Font Color

You can customize the color of the font

Font Size

You can customize the size of the font


You can customize font-family.


You can customize the background.

No shadow

You can remove the shadow.

Stars and Ratings with Tooltip

This widget shows the following info about a product:
  • Average rating of the Shopadvizor user ratings with a decimal out of 5.
  • Average rating of the ratings in the form of stars out of 5.
  • Total number of evaluations.
  • Percentage by star

Customization Examples

Here you can see examples of customized widgets

Font Color

You can customize the color of the font

Font Size

You can customize the size of the font


You can customize font-family.


You can customize the background.

No shadow

You can remove the shadow.

Stars and Ratings with Highlighted Comments

This widget shows the following info about a product:
  • Average rating of the Shopadvizor user ratings with a decimal out of 5.
  • Average rating of the ratings in the form of stars out of 5.
  • Total number of evaluations.
  • Up to 4 reviews
  • Info about the review´s author

Customization Examples

Here you can see examples of customized widgets

Font Color

You can customize the color of the font

Font Size

You can customize the size of the font


You can customize font-family.


You can customize the background.

No shadow

You can remove the shadow.

Stars and Ratings with Highlighted Comments with Tooltip

This widget shows the following info about a product:
  • Average rating of the Shopadvizor user ratings with a decimal out of 5.
  • Average rating of the ratings in the form of stars out of 5.
  • Total number of evaluations.
  • Percentage by star
  • Up to 4 reviews
  • Info about the review´s author

Customization Examples

Here you can see examples of customized widgets

Font Color

You can customize the color of the font

Font Size

You can customize the size of the font


You can customize font-family.


You can customize the background.

No shadow

You can remove the shadow.

Lite Stars and Ratings widget

This widget shows the following info about a product:
  • Average rating of the Shopadvizor user ratings with a decimal out of 5.
  • Average rating of the ratings in the form of stars out of 5.
  • Total number of evaluations.

Customization Examples

Here you can see examples of customized widgets

Font Color

You can customize the color of the font

Font Size

You can customize the size of the font


You can customize font-family.


You can customize the background.

No shadow

You can remove the shadow.

One star

You can remove the 5 stars.

Lite Stars and Ratings widget with Tooltip

This widget shows the following info about a product:
  • Average rating of the Shopadvizor user ratings with a decimal out of 5.
  • Average rating of the ratings in the form of stars out of 5.
  • Total number of evaluations.

Customization Examples

Here you can see examples of customized widgets

Font Color

You can customize the color of the font

Font Size

You can customize the size of the font


You can customize font-family.


You can customize the background.

No shadow

You can remove the shadow.

One star

You can remove the 5 stars.

Mini Stars and Ratings widget

This widget shows the following info about a product:
  • Average rating of the Shopadvizor user ratings with a decimal out of 5.
  • Average rating of the ratings in the form of stars out of 5.
  • Total number of evaluations.

Customization Examples

Here you can see examples of customized widgets

Font Color

You can customize the color of the font

Font Size

You can customize the size of the font


You can customize font-family.


You can customize the background.

No shadow

You can remove the shadow.

One star

You can remove the 5 stars.

Mini Stars and Ratings widget with Tooltip

This widget shows the following info about a product:
  • Average rating of the Shopadvizor user ratings with a decimal out of 5.
  • Average rating of the ratings in the form of stars out of 5.
  • Total number of evaluations.

Customization Examples

Here you can see examples of customized widgets

Font Color

You can customize the color of the font

Font Size

You can customize the size of the font


You can customize font-family.


You can customize the background.

No shadow

You can remove the shadow.

One star

You can remove the 5 stars.

Long rating with Tooltip

This widget shows the following info about a product:
  • Average rating of the Shopadvizor user ratings with a decimal out of 5.
  • Average rating of the ratings in the form of stars out of 5.
  • Total number of evaluations.